Note: For support with logging in to Teams, adding Apps, or general questions about Teams at Johns Hopkins, please contact the IT Help Desk at 410 955-HELP (410-955-4357) or by submitting a request through the IT Help app in
Microsoft Teams Overview
Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool that is part of the Office 365 suite of services provided by JHU. Teams enables local and remote students, faculty, and staff to chat and work together in real and near-real time. It is fully integrated with Office 365 as well as native Microsoft Office applications.
With Teams, you get instant access to everything needed for collaboration including content, tools, people, conversations, and built-in access to OneNote, OneDrive, and Microsoft Office apps.
Signing In To Microsoft Teams
- Download and Install Microsoft Teams to your computer or phone
Click 'Sign in' (not sign up) on the the Teams website - Sign in with with your JHED credentials.
Note: You must enter your and not in the email field. For example, Do not click 'Create one!' as this will create a new account unaffiliated with JHU.
Viewing Teams
- Sign in to Microsoft Teams using the above instructions
- Click on the Teams icon and text on the left side of the desktop app or on the bottom of the mobile app
Desktop Mobile
Creating and Joining Teams
For guidance on how to set up a Team for an academic course in Canvas, please see Setting Up Microsoft Teams.
To manually create a team for use outside of an academic class setting:
After logging in to Teams, you can join or create a new team using these instructions:
Mobile App
a. Tap on the vertical ellipsis at the top right of the screen b. Select "Create new team" to create a team or "Join a team with a code" to join an existing team Note: You can also browse teams that are public to the JHU community |
a. Click "Join or create a team" in the bottom left of the desktop app b. Either create a new team or join an existing team using a Teams code that was shared with you |
More Information About Using Teams At Hopkins
- For best practices when implementing Teams in WSE courses see Setting up Microsoft Teams
- Teams can be also be used for hosting Office Hours, learn how in the article Using Microsoft Teams for Office Hours
- The IT@JH Teams Hub has helpful video guides for using Teams as well as training materials. Check out the IT@JH Teams FAQ