Randomization Requirement for Short Answer and Multiple-Choice Exams

This article provides guidance to the Whiting School of Engineering for Professionals faculty regarding exams containing short answer and/or multiple-choice questions. In order to foster an environment of academic integrity, Engineering for Professionals requires the randomization of all short answer and multiple-choice exam questions.

For this requirement:

  • Exams are defined as a formal assessment of student learning that includes a series of questions that culminate to at least 20% of the total course grade. Other assessments, such as quizzes or problem sets that do not equal or exceed 20% of the total course grade, are not considered “exams.” 
  • Short answer exam questions are defined as exam questions that do not require more than two sentences to answer. 
  • Randomization is achieved when each student’s short answer and/or multiple-choice exam has questions appearing in different orders.

In order to randomize your exams in Canvas faculty should use the Quiz assessment type, utilizing the 'question groups' function to randomize the order and/or selection of questions. Guidance on how to use this tool can be found in the Canvas Instructor Guide article How do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz questions?

For questions related to this guide or for technical support implementing randomization, please contact the CMTS Help Desk (CMTShelp@jh.edu). 

Any questions related to this requirement can be directed to the EP Academic Affairs Manager, Heather Stewart (hstewa13@jhu.edu). 

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