LinkedIn Learning adding assignments in Canvas

NOTE: If you plan to use LinkedIn Learning in your course, make certain to review the content entirely for relevance, accuracy, and appropriateness. You might consider including formative assessments, such as self-reflections or self-check quizzes, to assess student learning of the LinkedIn Learning content. 

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Faculty can now add LinkedIn Learning courses or videos directly into Canvas assignments.

Creating a LinkedIn Assignment

  1. Start by navigating to the Assignments section in the course navigation and click the + Assignment button to begin creating the Canvas Assignment.
  2. Fill in the Assignment Name in top text box. You can later align this with the name of the Linkedin Learning assignment you select.
  3. Points -  Set the number of points the assignment is worth. If ungraded, enter 0.
  4. Set the Display Grade as field to points or if ungraded, complete/incomplete.


  5. Set the Submission Type to External Tool, and make sure to check the box that says Load This Tool In A New Tab. Click Find under the External Tool Options


  6. In the Configure External Tool pop-up box that opens, scroll down the list of available external tools to click on the magnifying glass icon next to LinkedIn Learning.


  7. In the Link Resource from External Tool pop-up box that opens, you will be able to use the Search for content bar to search and find the content you wish to bring into Canvas.


  8. Select Add next to the item you would like to select. Once clicked, press the Confirm button.
  9. In the Configure External Tool pop-up box that opens, press the Select button.
  10. In the Canvas assignment, click the Save & Publish button at the bottom of the page to create the Canvas Assignment.
  11. You can now go to Modules and add this LinkedIn Learning assignment to any module.

Gradebook View

1. A blank entry – Indicates the student has not viewed any of the videos to completion.
2. The Assignment Icon – Indicates the student has viewed some of the videos to completion.
3. A Grade or Checkmark – Indicates the student viewed all of the videos to completion.
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