Zoom Event Security

There are a number of settings and security features you can use to keep your Zoom event secure. Which of these settings and features is appropriate will depend on the type of event you're hosting.

This article contains recommendations by event type, as well as guidance for immediate actions you can take if your event be disrupted.

Events with Only JHU Attendees

For virtual events exclusive to internal attendees, hosts can require authorization to join the meeting. In the meeting settings, check the box to enable "Require authentication to join." Be sure that "Johns Hopkins SSO" is selected in the dropdown menu. 


This will prevent unwanted guests who are unaffiliated with JHU from joining the event. Only attendees who are able to authenticate via their JHED credentials will gain access to the meeting. If an attendee does not have active JHED credentials, they will not be able to join.  

Events Advertised Publicly

Events with external attendees, and events promoted publicly, can be made more secure by requiring registration. When registration is required, a registration link is generated by Zoom, and that can be shared publicly, rather than the Zoom meeting link.

To require registration for a meeting, check the corresponding box in the meeting settings.


After saving the meeting settings, you'll see an interface for editing the registration settings, including changing what information is collected on the registration form and how you're notified about registrants. 


By default, the form collects the first name, last name, and email address of registrants.

You can find the registration link on the same page, and this link can be safely shared with potential attendees.


If the meeting link is shared instead, bad actors can more easily infiltrate the meeting. Identifying potential threats presenting in the waiting room isn't a reliable security measure.

If Zoombombing Occurs 

If your event is disrupted by a Zoombomber, the quickest way to gain control of your meeting is to click the Host tools icon in the Zoom toolbar and select Suspend Participant Activities.

Suspect participant activities.png

This will pause the meeting, including all video, audio, screen sharing, chat, and recording. Once the meeting is paused, the host can report a user in the participants list. Reporting a user will remove them from the meeting.


Note: In order to use the Suspend Participant Activities feature, you must be the host or co-host of the meeting and have installed at least version 5.4.3 of the Zoom desktop client.

If you have any questions about Zoom event security, or would like additional support, please email CLDTsupport@jhu.edu.

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